Friday 19th July 2024.
This is a screenshot of the table i had created to see how i would like my pictures to look making it easier when it comes to taking photos.
I have found this template to use on a website called canva, i have edited the magazines name into the top half of the template. I will need to change the photos and the texts.
Monday 7th October 2024.
I have removed the texts i didn't need and added in the needed texts. I have put down the singers name towards the bottom corner talking about the new album coming out soon.
Ive taken away the original background photo and added in some more writing.
This is the first magazine cover and is the first page it is a double page spread with content. The content talks about other indie rock artists and also the new artist ghost and includes a little description of what they would be able to read if they turn to that page. It also tells them what page they would need to go onto to enter a competition to have a chance to win a free prize.
This is the second page of the contents page and i will need to add the photos i have taken. At the moment i have a little fact paragraph about the new artist and one of the prizes you could win which is the guitar. I have stuck to the colour scheme of red.
This is the cover for the second magazine and i just need to add the photos taken onto it. I have a sticker showing its a new issue and the date in the top corner with the barcode in the bottom corner. I have then added 'Find out about Lena Wilders new song' which is getting the audience excited to hear a song the new artist had released.
This is the context page for the second cover and is similar to the first one except this contents page mentions more female artists then males. This has a features section showing people what page to go to depending on the artist they are looking for. It also includes a picture of the guitar that one of the artists are giving away in a prize draw.
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